Tuesday, November 10, 2015

St. John's Hybrid Austin/Viscount Organ Update: Custom Console Installation and Voicing

The new Custom Viscount Organ Console with Physis Technology has been permanently installed in the sanctuary.  A special movable platform was created for use at concerts.

The Viscount Organ also has an adjustable bench that's simple and easy to move.  We also made the side panel of the organ match the window pane design found in the pews throughout the sanctuary.

The keys are Viscount's new and exclusive custom AWK Keyboards.  These are fully adjustable tracker touch, and feature bamboo naturals and wood sharps...a first in the United States.  More will be discussed about these amazing new keyboards in a future blog submission.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

St. John's Hybrid Austin/Viscount Organ Update: Transept Speaker Install

The transepts of St. John's provided us with an excellent opportunity to expand the soundscape of the organ out into the sanctuary.  Just behind the transept on the left side is the swell chamber, and on the right, what was once intended to be a pipe choir chamber.  When designing this system, we envisioned what the organ would have sounded like and what stops would be heard from each of the locations just behind the transepts, if real pipes had been installed.  With this in mind, we decided to utilize the space high into the pitched ceiling.  By placing speakers, and having the choir and swell speak from these sections, as well as from the plaster filigree areas in the front, we will be able to take Viscount's Physis® Technology to new heights figuratively and literally.  This particular technology by Viscount recreates pipe sound waves 3-dimensionally through multiple speakers.  Something not possible with traditional sampling technology.  


 We started with 3 bucks of scaffolding, but went above 5 at the highest point.  It had to be moved with each speaker and heightened in order to accommodate for the pitched roof.

Here is an upclose picture of 2 of the 4 total speakers in each transept.  We painted each wire tack during installation so they are now totally invisible.  There is a bit of an optical illusion happening with the camera that makes it appear these speakers are not mounted at the same angle.  We assure you there are both the same!  The speakers cannot be seen from the floor without someone pointing them out.

The heat was intense the higher we went.  We were relieved when the final speaker was mounted and wired in the transepts!

Monday, September 14, 2015

St. John's Hybrid Austin/Viscount Organ Update: Front Beam Speaker Install

Here are pictures during and after the installation of the front beam speakers and Zimbelstern for the Cavaille-Coll inspired Custom Viscount Organ. While the back beam speakers will provide an antiphonal and trumpet en chamade, these front beam speakers will be our take on an Ethereal Organ without the actual division, and also play all the non-organ 'orchestral' voices. We caught some great shots of the new Zimbelstern at times of the day when the natural light of the sun appeared to create a spotlight on the bells.

Here are the color matched speakers and newly installed Zimbelstern.

When installing the custom speakers, we first have to disassemble them. We fasten each box directly to the beam, and then reinstall and wire the speaker fronts.

We had to move the scaffolding four times (and many pews) in order to complete just this one beam.

If you look closely, you can see the Zimbelstern sitting on top of the beam.

Isn't that neat how the sun shines directly on the Zimbelstern? 

The reflective light is beautiful!