Monday, September 14, 2015

St. John's Hybrid Austin/Viscount Organ Update: Front Beam Speaker Install

Here are pictures during and after the installation of the front beam speakers and Zimbelstern for the Cavaille-Coll inspired Custom Viscount Organ. While the back beam speakers will provide an antiphonal and trumpet en chamade, these front beam speakers will be our take on an Ethereal Organ without the actual division, and also play all the non-organ 'orchestral' voices. We caught some great shots of the new Zimbelstern at times of the day when the natural light of the sun appeared to create a spotlight on the bells.

Here are the color matched speakers and newly installed Zimbelstern.

When installing the custom speakers, we first have to disassemble them. We fasten each box directly to the beam, and then reinstall and wire the speaker fronts.

We had to move the scaffolding four times (and many pews) in order to complete just this one beam.

If you look closely, you can see the Zimbelstern sitting on top of the beam.

Isn't that neat how the sun shines directly on the Zimbelstern? 

The reflective light is beautiful!

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