Monday, September 14, 2015

St. John's Hybrid Austin/Viscount Organ Update: Rear Beam Antiphonal and Trumpette en Chamade

As we begin this important and careful work, we let the following scripture guide us through the process...

'Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,'-Colossians 3:23

The rear beam will feature an antiphonal organ with a complement of flute and celeste's, along with a trumpette en chamade.

Nowhere to go from here, but up! This Custom Austin / Viscount combination organ is complete with custom Walker Technical Company Speaker Cabinets.

Working at night in this space was like a dream.

View of the highest windows in the Sanctuary. 

Jeff working hard with Joshua on installing the custom color matched speakers for the Antiphonal Organ and Trumpette en Chamade.

Every speaker box must be installed without speakers first. Then we insert insulation, run wiring, and then replace the speaker fronts once box is secured to the beam from the inside.

All done! Over 900 feet of high quality commercial grade oxygen free wiring was used just for the speakers on this back beam.

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