Monday, August 3, 2015

Pipe Repair Underway on St. John's Church Austin Organ Pipes

While the organ overall is in excellent condition due to regular maintenance and previous repairs, some of the pipes of this organ needed some work to get it back to 100%.  Our dedicated, knowledgeable, and experienced staff have begun the process of bringing some of the ranks of pipes back to their original condition.  Here is a rank of Bourdon Pipes we have since refelted...

As you can see, these pipes were covered in packing tape.  Packing tape might be great for mailing Christmas Presents to Grandma, but it's certainly not an acceptable long term 'fix' for pipes of this incredible quality.  We are sure this doesn't meet the standards of Austin Organ Company, and it certainly doesn't meet Whitesel Church Organs' standards either.  Our Head Pipe Organ Technician, Bob Lent, made the repairs.  Take a look at them now...

Now these pipes will be less likely to slip out of tune so quickly.  Company President, Joshua Dove reinstalled them recently.

In addition to the Bourdon, we are also rebuilding all the reeds in the organ.  That work will be completed the end of August, just in time for the arrival of the new Custom Viscount Organ Console!

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